Water is everywhere – and everything is water. But how well do you know its fundamentals?
Let’s explore in detail the base ingredient of our Water Industry!
Table of contents
- 1. What Color is Water?
- 2. What Color indicates Safe Water?
- 3. Why does Water expand when it freezes?
- 4. What is brackish water?
- 5. What does water taste like?
- 6. How to make distilled water?
- 7. How to make water?
- 8. How many hydrogen atoms are in a molecule of water?
- 9. Is water wet?
- 10. How to make holy water?
- 11. What is potable water?
- 12. What is the healthiest water to drink?
- 13. Could Icebergs become Sustainable Sources of Drinking Water?
- 14. What type of bond is water?
- 15. What is water made of?
- 16. Why is water called the universal solvent?
- 17. Where does water come from?
- 18. How to float in water?
- 19. What is the freezing point of Water in Celsius?
- 20. What is black water?
- 21. What is grey water?
- 22. What is hard water?
- 23. How many calories does water have?
- 24. What is the energy source for the Water Cycle?
- 25. Why is ocean water salty?
- 26. What causes water to break?
- 27. What percent of your body is water?
- BONUS: What’s to expect from 2022?
1. What Color is Water?
Is a child right to give water its characteristic blue color in any drawings? Well, absolutely! Water is really blue.
That may be hard to believe when you’re watching it in a glass, but it starts to reveal as soon as you have larger quantities – for instance, in a one-meter transparent pipe.
Water’s color in its liquid phase and the visible range is due to hydrogen bonding. Indeed, as it absorbs red wavelength at multiple harmonics, it, in turn, shifts the spectrum towards blue.
Now, there’s an exception to that rule, which you probably noticed if you’re working in advanced physics fields such as nuclear magnetic resonance or infrared spectroscopy.
(In which case it is also fair to assume you did not wait for me to know the color of water)
Heavy water, that features deuterium or heavy hydrogen instead of the regular hydrogen atoms, is colorless in the visible spectrum.
So, it’s an excellent way to rapidly check if your neighbor is secretly preparing a nuclear bomb in its basement. Just measure the color of his water!
Now, beyond that (kind of) exceptional case, water’s color can also give more hints at its quality or characteristics.
2. What Color indicates Safe Water?
That one is actually tricky.
I’m sure you’ve already had some tea: that’s colorful water, yet still a safe one.
Indeed, if colorless water is considered pure, it could still be unsafe for human health. And if colorful water certainly indicates that something is dissolved or in suspension inside, it may still be suitable for consumption – aka safe.
Now, color nevertheless gives a hint at what’s inside. Dissolved organic matter will turn the water blue or brown, while most algae turn it green, and soil runoffs make it yellow, red, brown, or gray.
Hence, if color can’t tell if water is really safe, it can be a good surveying tool for biological monitoring.
For instance, a satellite survey of 1486 lakes in New Zealand revealed their quality shape – and allowed following that shape over time.
I wonder what those satellites would think of that water:
3. Why does Water expand when it freezes?
Water is quite of a contrarian.
For most of the earth’s matters, they vibrate and move around when they’re hot. So they take some space.
But when you cool them down, they suddenly become much more docile, stop moving around and hence shrink a bit.
What about that water punk? Well, when it vibrates and moves around, it’s happy to restrain its social distancing. But if it has to stay in place, nicely aligned in an ice shape, it prefers to keep its distance from its neighbors!
This has, of course, an atomic explanation: oxygen atoms are slightly negative while hydrogen ones are positively charged. So, they stack up according to their charges.
But isn’t the water-punk explanation even cooler?
Why is ice less dense than water?
Let’s imagine we have one liter of water. That water, being liquid, weighs one kilogram and fits in a cube with 10 cm edges.
Now, as we’ve seen, water expands when it freezes. But how much?
Actually, it would now take a cube with 10.29 cm edges!
But of course, it would still weigh one kilogram.
So, if we do the maths, 10.29 cm edges for our cube make for 1’088 cm3. With 1000 grams fitting inside, that provides us with a density of 1000/1088 = 0.919
As liquid water has a density of 1, we see that ice is indeed less dense than water. All because of this expansion when water freezes!
Why does ice float in liquid water?
That one shall now be logical, right? Despite its punk nature, water doesn’t breach all rules of physics.
So, when the ice that has a lower density finds itself mixed with liquid water (which has a higher density), it floats on top.
4. What is brackish water?
Coming from the Dutch term “brak,” brackish water defines a salinity level above freshwater yet below seawater.
Typically, that’s the water you’ll find around estuaries where rivers (freshwater) meet the sea (salt water).
What is brackish water’s salinity?
When it comes to salinity, we consider water to be fresh up to 0.5 parts per thousand (ppt).
(Fun fact: as soon as it exceeds 0.1 ppt it is no longer potable.)
Brackish then ranges from 0.5 ppt to 30 ppt, and seawater from 30 to 50 ppt (beyond, it’s considered brine).
Wanna brag with some more fun facts at your next dinner in town? The limit for agricultural uses of brackish water is at 2 ppt of salinity.
And while the average seawater is saline and measured at 34.7 ppt, some seas are still brackish. For instance, the Black Sea has a salinity of 18, while the Baltic Sea is as low as 8.
And don’t take it with a pinch of salt: those are facts.
5. What does water taste like?
Answering this question involves, having mice licking light. Don’t freak out, I’m not yet fully mad, and you’ll see that this sentence ends up making sense!
So, to start with, let me disappoint you: water tastes… like water.
The news here is that water actually has a taste and that it arguably is the sixth one, next to sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. That’s what Caltech University researchers found out, by studying mice at least.
Now, to qualify that taste, they stimulated the mice’s taste sensors. The idea was, that when they’d hit the right one, the tested animals would be wanting to lick whatever stimulus they were receiving.
And, as I spoiled you seconds ago, they ended up stimulating the mice’s sour sensors with specific blue light, resulting in them trying to lick that light to “drink” it.
So water tastes like water, and that taste is close enough to sour to use the same sensors. And the next time you’re really thirsty, out of water, and want to trick your brain, you can try to have some blue light instead!
6. How to make distilled water?
Step 1: wait for rain. Step 2: collect rainwater. Step 3: profit.
Ok, that was maybe troll physics, it nevertheless is kind of true! Distilled water is water that went back and forth the steam transformation. So, it evaporated and condensed again.
And what is rainwater? Well, if you’ve been listening at school when tackling the Water Cycle, you know that it is water that evaporated and now condenses.
There’s nevertheless a bit of caution to take here, because that water has traveled a bit, before raining down. And it can have dissolved some stuff on the way, which makes it sort of polluted distilled water. So to be on the safe side, you’d better reproduce the cycle yourself in a controlled environment.
But that’s nothing you can’t do with water, heat, and cold sources.
Feel the power of the Water Cycle! (even on small scale)
What is the pH of distilled water?
That’s straightforward: it’s the beautiful theoretical value for water: 7. Nicely in the middle, neither basic nor acidic!
Well, at least, seconds after distilled, because if you wait a bit, and assuming you’re not producing distilled water in a vacuum, it will react with ambient air, and more specifically its CO2. That bonding will produce small amounts of carbonic acid, until reaching an equilibrium point of 6.
So, in the longer run, the pH of distilled water is slightly acidic, and hovers around 6!
Can distilled water kill you, if you drink it?
Here’s the fear. Distilled water is mineral-free, by definition: it’s pure water. So, if you get to drink it, it will start dissolving your body’s minerals, until a point where it starts affecting your equilibrium. And in the long run, it kind of kills you from the inside.
That makes about sense. Except, that it’s not true!
Let’s compare distilled water with drinking water, that’s reassuringly full of minerals: at max, you’re talking of 200 ppm of total minerals (if not, it wouldn’t be potable). So, if your tap water was at the maximum possible, it would contain 200 ppm of Na, K, Ca and Mg combined.
Let’s assume, that you’re drinking the recommended quantity per day of 8 glasses, which makes for 400 mg of minerals. Meanwhile, the recommended daily quantity of minerals is 7g. So, unless you’re starving or eat very unhealthy, one can assume, that a good portion of this 7g (aka, at least 95%) is coming from whatever you eat!
So, it won’t change much – or sufficiently to be noticed – if you started drinking only distilled water.
And what about the acidic pH, you ask? Well, try dying from drinking Coca Cola, then. Its pH is 2.7, and pH is a logarithmic scale. So it’s at least 1000x more acid than your distilled water.
And what if you don’t eat, and hence don’t get your minerals from food? I’d say, you would still die from something else than distilled water, wouldn’t you? 😅
7. How to make water?
So, what is water again? Well, dihydrogen monoxide. You’re right, it’s not convenient to call it like that, but it hints at how to produce it!
Indeed, all you need is hydrogen and oxygen gases, mix them up and give them a gentle kick to get them started. As a result, you’ll get water and a bit more energy than what you brought into the system, kind of a win-win!
The only drawback, of course, is that this “gentle kick” tends to look like an explosion. So, the more water you intend to produce that way, the bigger the explosion. For instance, the Hindenburg exploding upon arrival in New Jersey in 1937 might have killed 36 people, but it also produced a bit of water.
(yeah, even I wouldn’t call that a “win” of any kind)
Now, there’s another way to make water, and it may well be what Earth did, some million years ago. You “simply” need a bit of magnesium hydrosilicate (Mg2SiO5H2), and reduce the pressure on it, until it releases the H2O it contains.
Ok, I may have taken a zillion shortcuts here, but you anyways have a bigger problem at hand if you want to use this technique: today, magnesium hydrosilicate doesn’t exist on earth anymore.
You have a last solution left: make water as Mars does. Simply wait for an asteroid to crash nearby, and collect the water it contains! It might be slow and hard to control, but are you really thirsty?
8. How many hydrogen atoms are in a molecule of water?
Ok, let me confess that one is obvious. We’ve already widely covered it, water is H2O, hence has two hydrogen atoms per molecule.
Now still, that might depend on the phase of water we’re talking about – if you allow my pickiness. Because as Gerald Pollack told me on my podcast microphone, in its 4th phase, water may rather be called “H3O2.”
In which case, you would have 3 hydrogen atoms per molecule! Checkmate, captain obvious.
9. Is water wet?
Another tricky one, right? A solid is wet when a liquid adheres to its surface. So, can a liquid be wet? By definition, no.
Let’s dig further. Wetness is at the end of the day a fight between cohesive and adhesive forces. Cohesive forces bring a liquid together, that’s the liquid-liquid relationship. Adhesive forces on the other hand spread a liquid over a surface, that’s the solid-liquid relationship.
Hence, if the adhesive forces win, a solid ends up being wet (liquid adheres to its surface).
… and if it’s the cohesive forces, then the solid stays dry as the liquid doesn’t bond with it.
Generally speaking, cohesive forces are quite strong in water, which makes it much less of a “wetting” matter than alcohols or acetone. (by the way, this is caused by the hydrogen bond)
So, water is quite rarely causing a solid to be wet – but still does, for instance with glass. And water certainly doesn’t wet itself, simply by the definition of it.
Would you like a paracetamol tab before we continue?
If water is not wet, what is it?
Ok, now, let’s review our definition of “wet.”
If wet is the sensation that you get when you touch a liquid, then, water is wet to us. And if “wet” means “made of liquid or moisture” then it’s even more straightforward, water is wet.
So maybe I should stop playing with words, and move to the next little badass secret about water?
10. How to make holy water?
That one is counter-intuitive! In fact, making holy water doesn’t start with water but… with salt!
- Make “Holy Salt”
You’ll need your salt to be as pure as possible (for instance, natural rock salt). You’ll then bless it, by following the Roman Ritual. Interesting enough, the procedure is slightly different, depending on if you’re doing it all alone, or if someone joins in (in which case, you’ll have one more prayer to tell)
- Get some water
For god’s sake (pun intended 😅), don’t take it from a tap! Tap water may be the perfect drinking water, but it contains chlorine, which you don’t want to feature in your holy water. So get water from a river or a lake, and make sure to filter it. (If not, you’ll be making dirty holy water.)
Still, avoid drinking it when done: it may look clean but not be potable. - Exorcise that water
You’ll have another prayer from the Roman Ritual to tell out loud, plus a bonus one if you’re in front of witnesses (that shall join in)
- Pour the Holy Salt into the Exorcised Water
… and do it in the shape of a cross. Plus, of course, recite the right prayer at that moment in time (and offer your witnesses to join in)
- Bless the water
Now, you’ll have to pick a prayer from the Book of Blessings, and say it out loud in front of your holy water. When done, make the sign of the cross over the water.
- Use your holy water!
You can use it to bless your home, your family…

11. What is potable water?
Potable and drinking water are the same: it is – literally – water that’s safe to drink. That being said, it is also a matter of regulation and compliance: every country or regulatory body defines what potable water actually stands for.
The world health organization sets a standard, that many follow, but some countries walk the extra mile and put more stringent limits on chemicals, substances, viruses, or bacteria.
By the way, let’s note that mineral water is generally potable, but not always. So you might be buying bottled water while doing your groceries, and still not bringing potable water back home.
12. What is the healthiest water to drink?
Here, we’ll have to cut through the fog. Every mineral water brand or spring water supplier will tell you how, given the place where it comes from or the portion of earth it crossed, it probably is the healthiest water to drink.
And if I was one of these bloggers, I’d probably insert here some affiliate links to my favorite water brand – or the one that gives me the best payback. (As I won’t do that, I’ll send you instead to my deep dive that explores the risk of letting bottled water take over)
So, if that propaganda is not true, what is? Well, if you’re providing your body with sufficient amounts of water proven to be potable, that’s for sure the healthiest. It’s still not a given in a world that hasn’t completed its route towards UN SDG 6, but sometimes simple rules are the right ones.
In summary, you’ll want potable water, that hasn’t stayed too long in your piping system. And you’ll want your piping system to be modern enough, to not contaminate your water. Simple!
13. Could Icebergs become Sustainable Sources of Drinking Water?
In 2030, the World will miss 40% of the water needed, to accommodate all our needs. Hence, it may become wise to be creative and to look at alternative water resources.
That encompasses cloud nets, atmospheric water generation, wastewater reuse, and… Iceberg harvesting. Sounds crazy right? It even sounds wrong: isn’t that just direct exploitation of global warming?
Well, not really. Icebergs are created and melted every year in Antarctica, with the simple play of seasons. Sure, global warming probably also has an influence there, but Icebergs are really a drop in an ocean of ice there when compared with sea and earth ice.
Hence this crazy Idea: reaping these Icebergs, which are one way or the other due to melting, and turn them into drinking water resources for the arid places of this world.
That Idea is not new, it’s been around since the early 19th century!
But is it a good one? We review the crazy Idea of towing Icebergs around in detail right here.
Spoiler: it may be much less insane than it first sounds!
14. What type of bond is water?
Water is a special type of bond known as a hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds are formed when a hydrogen atom, which is bonded to one electronegative atom, is attracted to another electronegative atom. In the case of water, the hydrogen atoms are bonded to oxygen atoms, which are highly electronegative. This creates a strong attraction between the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atoms in neighboring water molecules, resulting in the formation of a hydrogen bond.
But don’t let the fancy name fool you; hydrogen bonds are no match for the unbreakable bond between BFFs (that’s “Best Friends Forever,” in case you don’t know). In fact, hydrogen bonds are relatively weak compared to other types of bonds, but they play a crucial role in the unique properties of water. For example, hydrogen bonds are responsible for water’s high surface tension, which allows insects to walk on water. They also give water its high boiling and melting points, which is why it takes so long to heat up a pot of water on the stove.
So next time you’re sipping on a tall glass of H2O, think about the tiny hydrogen bonds holding those water molecules together and giving water its many amazing properties. Just don’t get too bonded to your water glass – it’s not a BFF, after all.
15. What is water made of?
Water, the elixir of life, is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, bonded together to form a tiny, yet mighty molecule: H2O.
So next time you’re enjoying a refreshing glass of water, take a moment to appreciate the incredible molecule that makes it possible. Cheers to H2O!
16. Why is water called the universal solvent?
Water is called the universal solvent because it has the ability to dissolve pretty much anything it comes in contact with. It’s like the ultimate kleptomaniac of the chemical world – it just can’t resist stealing the goods from other molecules.
But how does water do it? Well, it all has to do with those pesky hydrogen bonds. You see, the oxygen atom in a water molecule is highly electronegative, which means it has a strong affinity for electrons. This causes the hydrogen atoms in water to be slightly positive, which makes them very attracted to the slightly negative atoms in other molecules. So when water comes into contact with another substance, the hydrogen bonds go to work, breaking the bonds between the atoms in the other molecule and stealing their electrons. The result is a solution, with the dissolved substance evenly distributed throughout the water.
But the fun doesn’t stop there – water is also a great conductor of electricity, which means it can carry the charged particles from dissolved substances throughout the body. This is why water is so important for chemical reactions in the human body, as well as in many industrial processes.
So next time you’re sipping on a cold glass of water, remember that you’re drinking a universal thief – but hey, at least it’s refreshing!
17. Where does water come from?
Water comes from a variety of sources, but it all ultimately starts with the water cycle. The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. It’s kind of like a never-ending game of tag, with water constantly being passed from one place to another.
The water cycle starts when the sun heats up the Earth’s surface, causing water to evaporate and turn into water vapor. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and condenses into tiny droplets of liquid water. These droplets come together to form clouds, which are basically just big, fluffy masses of water vapor.
When the clouds get heavy enough, the water droplets in them fall back to the Earth’s surface as precipitation, such as rain or snow. This precipitation can then either evaporate back into the atmosphere, it can be absorbed by plants and animals, or it can run off into rivers, lakes, and oceans. And the cycle starts all over again!
I know it’s not the destination but the journey that matters: in fact, water undergoes quite a long journey before it ends up in your glass.
18. How to float in water?
Floating in water is a piece of cake – just ask any rubber duck! But if you’re not a natural buoy like a rubber duck, don’t worry – there are a few simple tricks you can use to float like a pro.
First, ensure you’re in a safe and appropriate location to float. A pool or a calm body of water is ideal, and make sure you have a life jacket or other flotation device if you’re not a strong swimmer.
Next, relax your body and let yourself sink into the water. Don’t try to fight it – the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to float. Once you’re in the water, gently kick your legs to keep yourself afloat, and use your arms to help steer you in the direction you want to go.
If you still have trouble floating, try filling your lungs with air. This will make you more buoyant, and it will also help to keep your head above water. Just be careful not to overdo it – if you fill your lungs with too much air, you might end up floating face-down in the water, which is not the most comfortable position.
And finally, the most important rule of floating: have fun! Floating in water is a great way to relax and cool off on a hot summer day, so don’t take it too seriously. Just kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
19. What is the freezing point of Water in Celsius?
Shall I really write a long text here? I’d bet you just want the answer, right?
Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. Or written in a scientific fashion: 0 C°
20. What is black water?
Black water, also known as “dark water” or “blackwater,” is water that is heavily contaminated with decomposing organic matter, such as feces and urine. It’s called “black” water because of its dark color, which is caused by the high concentration of organic matter.
Blackwater is often associated with sewage and wastewater, but it can also come from other sources, such as natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes, or from industrial accidents. Regardless of its source, blackwater is considered to be highly hazardous and should be treated with extreme caution.
But don’t let the name scare you – blackwater isn’t always as bad as it sounds. In fact, some people even use blackwater for composting and gardening because the organic matter in it can provide valuable nutrients for plants. Just make sure you treat it properly and avoid getting it on your hands or in your mouth – no one wants to end up with a case of “blackwater mouth”!
So next time you come across some blackwater, take a step back and admire its dark, mysterious beauty from a safe distance. And remember – if in doubt, just stay out!
21. What is grey water?
Grey water is wastewater that has not come into contact with feces or urine. It is called “grey” water because of its cloudy, murky appearance, which is caused by the presence of small particles and dissolved substances in the water.
Grey water can come from various sources, such as showers, sinks, and washing machines. It is typically less contaminated than blackwater (which contains feces and urine) and is therefore considered to be less hazardous. However, grey water can still contain harmful bacteria and other contaminants and should be treated with caution.
Now, grey water isn’t always as dull and drab as it sounds. A bit as for blackwater we just covered, it can provide valuable nutrients for plants. On top of this, it is often a cool source of water as it’s much easier to reuse.
22. What is hard water?
Hard water is water that contains high levels of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It is called “hard” water because these dissolved minerals can make it difficult for soap to lather, and they can also leave behind deposits on plumbing fixtures and appliances.
Hard water is not necessarily harmful to your health, but it can be a nuisance in other ways. For example, it can make your dishes and laundry appear dull and dingy, and it can leave behind unsightly soap scum in your shower and bathtub. It can also cause buildup in your pipes and appliances, which can reduce their efficiency and lifespan.
Hard Water also has its perks: some people prefer the taste of hard water, and the dissolved minerals it contains can actually be beneficial for your health in small amounts. So next time you’re filling up your water bottle, don’t be afraid to give hard water a try – just make sure you’re using a good soap to clean up afterwards!
And what is soft water?
In short, I could say “it’s the opposite.”
What, you want to know more? Ok.
Soft water is water that contains low levels of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It is called “soft” water because these dissolved minerals are absent or present in such small amounts that they do not interfere with the lathering of soap, and they do not leave behind deposits on plumbing fixtures and appliances. (see, I told you it was the opposite)
Soft water is not necessarily better for your health than hard water, but it does have some advantages. For example, it makes it easier for soap to lather, which can save you money on laundry detergent and dish soap. It also reduces the buildup of scale on your pipes and appliances, which can increase their efficiency and lifespan.
But don’t let the name fool you – soft water isn’t always as gentle as it sounds. In fact, some people find the taste of soft water to be bland and unappealing, and the absence of dissolved minerals can actually be a disadvantage in some cases. So next time you’re filling up your water bottle, consider giving both hard and soft water a try, and see which one you prefer. The choice is yours!
23. How many calories does water have?
Water itself does not contain any calories. Calories are units of measurement that are used to quantify the energy content of food and drinks. Since water has no energy content, it does not contain any calories.
However, it’s important to note that some beverages that contain water, such as juice and soda, can have a significant number of calories. For example, a 12-ounce can of regular soda contains up to 150 calories, while a cup of orange juice can contain 112 calories. These calories come from the added sugars and other ingredients that are present in these beverages.
In contrast, pure water has no calories and can actually help you lose weight by keeping you hydrated and feeling full. Drinking water can also help boost your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
Overall, it’s important to remember that water itself does not contain any calories. However, some beverages that contain water, such as juice and soda, can be high in calories due to added sugars and other ingredients. To maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain, it’s best to avoid sugary drinks and stick to water or other low-calorie beverages.
24. What is the energy source for the Water Cycle?
The energy source for the water cycle is the sun. The sun’s heat causes water on the earth’s surface, such as in oceans, lakes, and rivers, to evaporate and turn into water vapor. This water vapor then rises into the atmosphere and forms clouds.
Once the clouds are heavy enough, the water vapor condenses into liquid droplets and falls back to the earth’s surface as precipitation, such as rain or snow. This process is known as precipitation, and it is the main way that water is returned to the earth’s surface.
Once the water reaches the earth’s surface, it can either be absorbed into the ground and become part of the groundwater supply, or it can flow back into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This process is known as infiltration.
The water cycle is a continuous process that is driven by the sun’s heat. As long as the sun continues to shine, the water cycle will continue to operate, bringing water to the earth’s surface and replenishing our water supply.
25. Why is ocean water salty?
Ocean water is salty because it contains dissolved salts, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which leach into the water from the earth’s crust. These salts enter the ocean through a variety of processes, including the weathering of rocks and the erosion of minerals in the soil.
When water flows over the earth’s surface, it picks up small amounts of these dissolved salts and carries them into the ocean. This process is known as runoff, and it is the primary source of the dissolved salts that make ocean water salty.
In addition to the salts that enter the ocean through runoff, the ocean also receives a significant amount of salt from the rivers that flow into it. As water flows through rivers, it picks up dissolved minerals and carries them along.
Another source of salt in ocean water is the decomposition of marine plants and animals. When these organisms die, their bodies break down and release the salts that they contain into the ocean.
So, again, and to recap: the saltiness of ocean water is due to a combination of dissolved salts that enter the water from the earth’s crust and from rivers, as well as the decomposition of marine plants and animals.
26. What causes water to break?
When water is heated, the molecules of water start to vibrate and move around more quickly. As the water becomes hotter and hotter, the molecules move faster and faster, and the bonds between them start to stretch and weaken.
When the temperature of the water reaches its boiling point, the bonds between the water molecules are no longer strong enough to hold them together, and the water starts to turn into steam. This process is known as boiling, and it is what causes water to break.
As the water boils, the steam rises to the surface of the water and forms bubbles. These bubbles are made up of steam, which is the gaseous form of water. When the steam bubbles reach the surface of the water, they burst, releasing the steam into the air.
Boiling is an important process that is used in many different applications, such as cooking, cleaning, and sterilization. It is also used in power plants to generate electricity.
Time to recap: boiling is what causes water to break, and it occurs when the temperature of the water reaches its boiling point, and the bonds between the water molecules are no longer strong enough to hold them together.
27. What percent of your body is water?
The human body is made up of about 60% water. This percentage can vary slightly depending on a person’s age, sex, and body composition, but in general, about two-thirds of the human body is water.
Water is an essential component of the human body, and it plays a crucial role in many of the body’s functions. It helps to regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and oxygen to cells, remove waste and toxins from the body, and lubricate joints.
The percentage of water in the human body also changes throughout a person’s lifetime. For example, newborns have a higher percentage of water in their bodies, about 78%, while the elderly have a lower percentage, around 45%.
In addition to the water that is found inside the body’s cells and tissues, there is also water in the bloodstream, in the digestive system, and in other bodily fluids.
Technically speaking, the human body is made up of about 60% water, and this water is essential for many of the body’s functions.
Now, if you want to shine in your next dinner in town, here’s one more anecdote: as the water molecules are quite lighter than the others that build up your body, they effectively represent 60% in mass. But if you were to count them instead, 99% of the molecules in your body would actually be water. Crazy right?
BONUS: What’s to expect from 2022?
Hey Water Industry: Nostradamus Called! What’s to Expect from 2022?
🙋 What will happen next year in the Water Industry?
Together with Björn, we took 10 bets for 2022!
Here are the two reasons to care about those predictions:
1️⃣ Wouldn’t you be better equipped to face the future, if you knew everything in advance? 💪
2️⃣ Wouldn’t you want to have a great reason to mock us when what we predicted doesn’t happen? 😀