The Shocking Requirements of Spodumene Processing (and More Lithium 101 stories)

May 25, 2023

When you visit a foreign country, it’s often a smart move to start by getting the basics of language and culture. That’s our agenda for today: let us break down the fundamentals of lithium processes! Find out more with my entire Lithium deep dive. with 🎙️ Tony Strobbe – EV supply chain Projects Director 💧 … Read more

Why Water Technologies Matter in Lithium Mining (And Why You Should Buy Now!)

May 17, 2023

Lithium Mining shall get from 500’000 tons per year to at least 2 if not 3 or 5 million tons by 2030. How will we get there? We’ll need a lot of planets to align… and heavy support from the Water Industry! Find out more with my entire Lithium deep dive. with 🎙️ Benjamin Sparrow … Read more

Featured - Karl Michael Millauer - KMM Consulting - The Man That Has 35 Water Companies to Sell

The Fascinating Story of the Man Who Has 35 Water Companies to Sell

May 3, 2023

Water Companies can face a wide array of events: creation, expansion, profit, losses, and sometimes even death. Yet one specific change is maybe the most transformative: getting sold and transferred to a new owner. If that’s well documented for large water groups, it’s a much different story for smaller water companies: let’s explore it! with … Read more

Featured - Jennifer Moeller-Gulland - World Bank - UNDP - Water Risk Assessment

How to Leverage Water Risk Assessment to Unlock Business Opportunities

Apr 26, 2023

The top 10 risks ranked in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report all relate to Water. If that’s not a sign that it is time to get your Water Risk Assessments right, I don’t know what is! Not convinced yet? Let’s dig further: with 🎙️ Jennifer Möller-Gulland, Water Risk Expert and Water Economist for … Read more

Featured - Alex Rappaport - ZwitterCo - Zwitterions to build Wastewater Membranes that don't Foul

Zwitterions’ Super Powers Could Solve Wastewater Membranes Number One Problem

Apr 19, 2023

Zwitterions are weird beasts with two fascinating perks: being simultaneously positively and negatively charged turns them highly hydrophilic and very resistant to non-specific adhesion. Wouldn’t that make them the best special sauce to pump up a membrane filtration system? Let’s find out! with 🎙️ Alex Rappaport, CEO and Co-Founder of ZwitterCo.  💧 ZwitterCo leverages the … Read more

Featured - Björn Otto - What's wrong with marketing in the Water Industry

Could Neglecting 92% of Your Tasks be Costing You Money? Water Marketers Beware!

Apr 12, 2023

When marketing focuses on “Promotion” only, it limits itself to 8% of its possible spectrum. And it has consequences! Product-market Fit, go-to-market strategies, or strategic directions for the company might suffer from that tropism on the last link in the tactics chain. Who is to blame? Most of the time, top management. with 🎙️ Björn … Read more

Featured - Paul Gagliardo - The Water Entrepreneur - Documenting entrepreneurship in the Water Sector

How to Frustrate 90% of Start-Up Founders in 15 Minutes in their Best Interest

Apr 5, 2023

with 🎙️ Paul Gagliardo, Judge and advisor at Imagine H2O, and Principal at Gagliacqua.      💧 Paul also runs the Water Entrepreneur, an incredibly good water podcast that is one of my personal favorites and which also turns out to be a family business as Paul will elaborate on later on in the conversation.

Water Wars - Antoine Walter - Special Episode

Water Wars in France? The 4 Riddles it Raises.

Mar 29, 2023

Everybody predicted Water Wars would eventually happen one day, and for many places in the World, we’re far past the days where these conflicts would just be a concept. Yet, the scenes that we experienced in France over the past few days came as a surprise, in a water-rich first World country. What does it … Read more

Featured - Ben Kimura Gross - Negotiating with Goliath - How to Win at Negotiating with Powerful Stakeholders

How To Win at Negotiating With the Most Powerful Stakeholders?

Mar 22, 2023

with 🎙️ Ben Kimura Gross, CEO of Systemics Academy, Negotiation Trainer, and Mentor.      💧 At Negotiation with Goliath, Ben trains sustainability professionals and entrepreneurs to get decision-makers on their side and make your goals their goals.

How to Win in a Competitive & Mature Niche Market: The Astonishing Aclarus Ozone

Mar 8, 2023

Ozone is a water technology that has been around for over a century. Its players are established (and entrenched), it’s a $1.4 billion sub-section of the disinfection sector, and it doesn’t seem to be much left for technical disruption. And maybe against the odds, it’s a fertile ground for a great entrepreneurial venture! How? Let’s … Read more

Featured - Dubravka Skunca - European Commission - LifeCycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for Sustainability and Circularity

How to Leverage Life Cycle Assessment To Take Better Decisions

Feb 28, 2023

Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) provides a systematic framework to identify and assess environmental impacts associated with a product or service, including energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, and as probably most interesting for us, water use. Hence, LCA is a powerful decision-making tool that helps identify opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, improve efficiency, and promote … Read more

Featured 2 - Gonzalo Delacamara - UN Water OECD World Bank - Redesigning Water Incentives to Take Better Water Decisions

Why do we have so many Good Reasons to make Wrong Water Decisions?

Feb 22, 2023

Many decisions we make may look good on a small scale, yet as soon as we zoom out, we realize that they were the wrong choice in the end. That’s all fine when it’s about eating the last chocolate chunk in the box, but it’s an entirely different story when it comes to Water, its … Read more

Featured - Greg Newbloom - Membrion - Fostering your Customer Link as a Water Company

This CEO That Raised $22M Reveals His One Trick You MUST Copy Today

Feb 15, 2023

Membrion is on track to become one of the loveliest success stories within the Water Industry. That’s everything but a coincidence: it is instead the result of a methodical build-up of the customer link. And you can actually steal this methodology today, as my guest rolls it out for you: with 🎙️ Greg Newbloom, CEO … Read more

Featured - Damian Georgino - Womble Bond Dickinson - Industrial Water is the real Finance Deal

Why bother with Residential Water Struggles? It’s an Industry Risk!

Feb 1, 2023

When we discuss the water crisis in America, we often focus on a certain section of the Water Cycle: residential water. Yet, that’s only a fraction of the challenge and probably not the one where water is valued the most. Indeed, could you imagine industrial production without water? That’s why it’s a risk, and the … Read more

Featured - Sarah Kapnick - Climate Data to better plan Water Infrastructure

Where’s Practical Climate Data when you Desperately Need It?

Jan 25, 2023

There are a lot of parameters to consider when planning infrastructure for today and the decades to come. It is a compound of existing assets, communities, social issues, vulnerabilities but also water and climate data. This is why democratizing access to all those datasets is so crucial to solving the water crisis in America! And … Read more

Featured - Henry Cordes - Sciens Water - Private Capital can change the World of Water

Can Private Capital Change the World of Water for the Better?

Jan 18, 2023

15% of America’s water is already in private hands. For some, that’s a concern! For others (including me) that’s a proof of concept to ask for more. How could private capital help solve America’s water crisis? That’s what we’ll explore: with 🎙️ Henry Cordes, Principal at Sciens Water 💧 Sciens is a research-driven investment fund … Read more

Featured - Meshal Alduraywish - Sciens Water - How and where to Invest your Money Right in Water

What do you Need to Know to Invest Wisely in Water Technologies?

Jan 11, 2023

How does an investor decide to fund a water technology or a water company? Are they sitting in a Shark Tank environment and following their instinct to make a decision in minutes? That’s very unlikely, right? Yet, you won’t know before you actually ask about the research and due diligence process. That’s what we explore … Read more

Featured - Antoine Walter - TEDx - Wastewater Reuse - What's the Value of your Poop?

What’s the Value of Your Poop?

Dec 28, 2022

There’s a treasure in the sewer, and we barely notice: wastewater and its pee and poo are an incredible source of water, energy, and a bunch of additional resources. Better: it could solve the World’s water needs and help balance the Zero Carbon energy equation. How? Let’s explore: with 🎙️ Antoine Walter – Podcaster in … Read more

Featured - Upmanu Lall - Columbia Water Center - Amazon Water Filters in a World of Decentralized Water Treatments

Are Amazon Water Filters the Best Way to Quench our Thirst?

Dec 21, 2022

At the exact point in time where governments are heavily investing in renewing their central water infrastructure, distributed water treatments still grow at a 3x faster pace! Does this mean we will soon all have a Water Filter ordered from Amazon and screwed under our sinks? Let’s explore: with 🎙️ Upmanu Lall – Director of … Read more

Featured2 - Lauren Enright - Michael Stanley Gallisdorfer - Climate Change Adaptation

The Climate Change Adaptation Opportunities You Don’t Want To Miss Out

Dec 14, 2022

If Climate Change was a shark, water would be its teeth – once we’ve said that, what happens? Not much. Still, 70% of Climate Change’s consequences will be felt through water. Isn’t it time to better prepare for Climate Change Adaptation? Let’s explore: with 🎙️ Lauren Enright – Founder of Axiom Climate LLC with 🎙️ … Read more

Featured - Josiah Cox - Central States Water Resources - Consolidating Small Scale US Water Utilities

800 M&A Moves in a Decade, Yet You’ve Never Heard of this Water Utility!

Dec 7, 2022

With 50’000 water and 35’000 wastewater utilities, the US Water Sector is highly scattered. This has consequences: 63 million Americans are potentially exposed to unsafe drinking water! This is where consolidation and especially the one happening on the smaller system’s level, sparks hope. I got to meet with US’s largest consolidator – in less than … Read more

Featured - Sean Davis - Merton Capital Partners - Philanthropic Capital to Save the Water World

How to Actively Invest Philanthropy and Save the (Water) World?

Nov 30, 2022

Philanthropic Capital could be the third source of investment the Water Sector desperately needed to find a balance. How will the blend of philanthropy into private funding and federal grants change the name of the game? Let’s explore: with 🎙️ Sean Davis, founder and managing director of Merton Capital Partners, adjunct professor at the Palm … Read more

Featured - Tom Rooney - Sciens Water - Maslow explains Water's Broken Economics

How does Maslow explain a lot of America’s Broken Water Economics?

Nov 18, 2022

The Water Challenge is three-dimensional. We face broken pipes, broken policies, and broken economics! Yet, if we get to the bottom of it, the economic one seems to be the root cause of all the other problems. What if Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs actually explained it? That’s what we’ll uncover: with 🎙️ Tom Rooney … Read more

Featured - Mirka Wilderer - De Nora

How De Nora Grew from 0 to IPO in 7 Years (with Cheat Codes!)

Nov 16, 2022

De Nora Water Technologies entered the water business in 2015 – with a bang. Under the lead of Mirka Wilderer (since 2019), the company further grew up to a successful IPO in July 2022. What’s to learn from it? What’s on De Nora’s and Mirka’s plate for the next months and years? Let’s explore: with … Read more

Should We Really Destroy PFAS? No! Your Fridge Knows a Better Way.

Nov 9, 2022

with 🎙️ Henrik Hagemann is the CEO and Co-Founder of Puraffinity.    💧 Puraffinity is a GreenTech Company that designs smart materials for environmental applications.​ Their cutting-edge material design and creative engineering approach may provide a new horizon to solve the daunting PFAS / Forever chemicals challenge we face.

Featured - Patrick Decker - Xylem - Let US solve water

What’s Patrick Decker’s Call To Action? Let Us Solve Water!

Nov 2, 2022

Patrick Decker became Xylem’s CEO in 2014. At the time, the company was a renowned product supplier in the Water Industry. Yet under its lead, Xylem further expanded to become a solution provider fostering and nurturing its surrounding ecosystem. Patrick was kind enough to spend some time with me to review some of the hot … Read more

Featured - Paul Gallay - Columbia Climate School - New York Water Management through Nature Based Solutions

Can Nature Protect New York From Water Catastrophes? Yes!

Oct 28, 2022

New York City did a bold move in the 1990s by betting on Nature-Based Solutions to protect its drinking water quality. Yet new challenges arise: how can nature help the Big Apple on its path to Climate Change adaptation? Let’s explore: with 🎙️ Paul Gallay – Lecturer & Co-Director at the Columbia Climate School 💧 … Read more

Featured - Kunal Shah - Anaergia - Carbon Negative Fuel - Biomethane to Save the World

How to Make Carbon Negative Fuel, Boost Utility’s Revenue and Save the World

Oct 26, 2022

Climate Change recalls us every day how important it is for the World to accelerate on its path to decarbonization. Today, the Water Industry is everything but carbon neutral: yet this could change today and at scale if we do it right! How? With a carbon-negative fuel. You already know that fuel: we’re talking about … Read more

Featured - Kevin Sofen - SDG Talks - There's a Water Impact all over the SDGs

The Dear Link Between Water, SDGs and our Everyday Lives

Oct 21, 2022

When it comes to Sustainable Development Goals, we often limit Water to SDG 6. Yet, water plays a key role in many more of them! Let’s explore it: with 🎙️ Kevin Sofen – Director of Innovation at W. S. Darley & Co., Host of the Smart Firefighting podcast, and Co-Host of the SDG Talks Podcast. … Read more

Featured - George McGraw - DigDeep - Millions Without Water in the US - Closing the Water Gap

We Want You! Will You Help Closing the Water Gap and Save Lives?

Oct 19, 2022

2.2 million Americans don’t have access to water and wastewater services in their homes. 44 million more recently experienced water quality issues. Isn’t it time to effectively close the water gap? The first step to closing is probably acknowledging: an information mission that’s been taken on by DigDeep. Today, we’ll explore how they act to … Read more

Featured - Errick Simmons - Greenville Mississippi - Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative

How to Make Water more attractive than the Apple and Samsungs of this World

Oct 17, 2022

We’ve been regularly touching on how we’re facing an aging water infrastructure: and so is the water workforce as well! In light of the “silver wave,” we currently experience, how can we transform the water industry to attract new, diverse and dynamic talents? This age and knowledge pyramid problem is of particular concern when you’re … Read more

Featured - Trace Blackmore - Scaling Up H2O - Bring Water Professionals Together

How to Make a Lonely Water Professional’s Mentor, Friend, and Caring Colleague

Oct 12, 2022

The job of a Water Professional can be lonely: in many utilities, water treaters are on their own – or not far from it. But to keep you growing as a person, a certain friend has your back, your favorite water podcast. Don’t worry; this one is not about bragging (as much as I praise … Read more

Featured - James Rees - Botanical Water Technologies - Growing Green Tech Companies

How to take Mid-Market Green Tech Companies to the Next Level?

Oct 10, 2022

Our World is facing new water challenges that will be hard to solve with old solutions only. This means that helping new entrants and mid-market green tech companies to thrive is also the best segway to putting their impact on steroids! But navigating the jungle of finance, investment, regulations, institutions, and existing business canvas can … Read more

Featured - Nick Shufro - Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration - Pre Disaster Mitigation

Pre-Disaster Mitigation Needs to Quickly Ramp Up in the US. Will it?

Oct 7, 2022

With only 9 million households that hold an insurance policy against flood risks, the most common and costly natural catastrophe is still widely undercovered in the US. Will the new federal efforts finally open the long-awaited age of pre-disaster mitigation? with 🎙️ Nick Shufro – Deputy Assistant Administrator, Federal Insurance & Mitigation Administration, Resilience, FEMA … Read more

Featured - Semra Bakkaloglu - Imperial College London - Biomethane Production Leaks to the Atmosphere

The Underestimated Hidden Threat of Biomethane Production. Time to Act?

Oct 5, 2022

What’s about 28 times more concerning than carbon emissions? Methane releases into the atmosphere. It’s the same amount of carbon but with a much higher immediate global warming impact. Hence the concern when a recent study shows how we underestimate the emissions of biomethane production by a factor of two! What’s wrong with the biomethane … Read more

Featured - Taylor O'Neil - Richard's Rainwater - Bottled Rainwater

How to Actually Fight Big Water with Pioneering Bottled Rainwater?

Oct 1, 2022

Rainwater Harvesting just got an all-new flavor, and it’s sparkling! Indeed, next to the conventional approaches where that water would be used for irrigation, Richard’s Rainwater kinda created a new market segment: bottled rainwater. How can you fight Big Water by actually putting water in cans and bottles? How’s that approach greener and more sustainable? … Read more

Featured - Seth Siegel - Troubled Water - Let There be Water

Seth Siegel: 50’000+ US Water Utilities, 500 Water Talks, 5 Decisive Truths?

Sep 28, 2022

Seth Siegel is a voice that counts in the Water World – having published some of the most influential water books of the past decade and spoken on every scene you can think of. Yet, in every keynote he delivers, he never fails to captivate the audience to convey his message home. There’s something wrong … Read more

Featured - Colin Goddard - Source Global - Atmospheric Water Generation

Expensive, Heavy but Desperately Needed: is Source the Future of Drinking Water?

Sep 21, 2022

Could you imagine producing perfect drinking water out of thin air and fully off-grid? Let’s face it: Source’s take on atmospheric water generation is pretty disruptive. Could it be a blessing for people and places for whom traditional central approaches have failed? We’ll explore today how even in the US, no less than 44 million … Read more

How will the Trial Reservoir Change Piloting Forever and For Good?

Sep 14, 2022

Piloting a new water technology has always been a cumbersome process. But this may well soon be history with Isle Utilities’ invention: the Trial Reservoir. What would it enable if water entrepreneurs could deploy their best ideas in weeks instead of decades? That’s what we’ll explore today (and how that’s even possible)… with 🎙️ Piers … Read more

Featured - Carol Maxwell - Brent Solina - MICROrganic Technologies - Microbial Fuel Cells

What if your Microbial Fuel Cells could Reach Out on Twitter?

Jul 27, 2022

Microbial Fuel Cells represent a tremendous opportunity to tap into the hidden energy of wastewater. But beyond that, they could also turn the way we operate our plants on its head! What if your microorganisms told you live and 24/7 how they feel and what your effluent looks like? with 🎙️ Carol Maxwell – CEO … Read more

Featured - Nicola Lei Ravello - White Stag Investing - Water is an Economic Risk

How to Admit, Value, and actually Overcome the Economic Risk of Water

Jul 20, 2022

Water may well represent less than 1% of the World’s GDP, but it heavily affects the other 99%, turning it into a major economic risk. Why and How? Let’s review! with 🎙️ Nicola Lei Ravello – Author and Founder of White Stag Investing 💧 White Stag Investing is a research platform for responsible investments, focusing … Read more

Featured - Scott Bryan - Imagine H2O - Water Innovation Accelerator

How to Build the World Leading Water Innovation Accelerator: Imagine H2O

Jul 13, 2022

Water Innovation Accelerators became more common in recent years. Yet the world reference remains unchanged: Imagine H2O. Why and How? Let’s review! with 🎙️ Scott Bryan – President of Imagine H2O 💧 Imagine H2O is the world leading Water Innovation Accelerator with $800+M raised in early-stage funding and 1.1 billion people (and counting) served.

Featured - John Robinson - Mazarine Ventures - Impact Investment - Water Risk

How to Mitigate 4 Shades of Water Risk Through Impact Investing

Jul 6, 2022

Turning the narrative from “Water is Life” to “Water is a Risk” makes its associated challenges more straightforward. This is an opportunity for investment funds to have an impact. Why and How? Let’s review! with 🎙️ John Robinson – Partner & Co-Founder at Mazarine Ventures 💧 Mazarine is an impact investor backing young technology companies … Read more

Featured - Sivan Zamir - Xylem Innovation Labs - Bring Innovation to Market

Passing the Baton: How to Bring Innovation to Market Faster & More Reliably

Jun 29, 2022

With the inception of its Innovation Labs, Xylem intends to provide a common framework for the water innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems to work with the US Giant. Why and How? Let’s review! with 🎙️ Sivan Zamir – VP Xylem Innovation Labs 💧 Xylem is one of the largest water and wastewater technology company globally and … Read more

Featured - Eirik Fadnes - Cambi Group - Thermal Hydrolysis

How to Save over 1 Million Tons of CO2 Every Year with Thermal Hydrolysis

Jun 22, 2022

Thermal Hydrolysis Processes are rolled out worldwide for as long as there are COP conferences. Cambi Group, the World leader with an estimated 80% market share, estimates that it represents 1 million tons of CO2 equivalent saving compared to the best available alternative. What’s inside these appealing thermal hydrolysis processes? Let’s review! with 🎙️ Eirik … Read more

Radical Collaboration for Regeneration

Radical Collaboration: 12 Staggering Ideas to Regenerate the Water World

Jun 20, 2022

BlueTech Forum 2022’s Theme was straightforward: Radical Collaboration for Regeneration. I got to chat with 6 industry leaders about their take at the matter! with: 🎙️ Menno Holterman (President & CEO @ Nijhuis Saur Industries) 🎙️ Snehal Desai (EVP & Chief Growth and Sustainability Officer @ Evoqua Water Technologies) 🎙️ Ralph Exton (Chief Marketing & … Read more

Featured - Andrew Benedek - Zenon - Anaergia - From Lonely Prophet to Water Industry Legend

How to be Alone, Early, Crazy but Actually Right: The History of Zenon

Jun 8, 2022

Membrane Bioreactors systems weigh $4Bn a year today (and growing). Yet, in the early eighties, no one really believed membranes would ever make a dent in clean water applications. So before envisioning a wastewater application, there was a long way to go… and a valley of death to cross for Zenon! with 🎙️ Andrew Benedek, … Read more

Can Lithium Mining Astoundingly solve the Brine Riddle with Benefits?

Jun 6, 2022

Lithium Mining is expected to deliver the lithium-ion battery industry 500’000 metric tons a year. Sure, conventional lithium supply will grow by 300% over the next decade but that will still not be sufficient! Hence, it might be an opportunity to get creative and to look for lithium in… water. How? Let’s review. with 🎙️ … Read more

Featured - Susan Moisio - Jacobs - One Water

Why is One Water the Best Way to Manage our Vulnerable Water Cycle?

May 18, 2022

We tend to put water management in silos. Drinking Water, Wastewater, Water networks, Sewers, Flood prevention… All of those have one thing in common: water. This is why you shall start leveraging the One Water framework today! It will swiftly turn into a key asset in our race to net zero water. Let’s review how, … Read more

How Water UK intends to Reach a Good Net Zero, Two Decades Early!

May 16, 2022

When it comes to the race to net zero water, Water UK leads the charge. Not only did it set ambitious goals, but also in a quite timely manner: the routemap leads to 2030! The cherry on that cake? It’s not only about “net zero.” They’re before and above all aiming for a GOOD one. … Read more